Sunday, January 18, 2009

We Love Dogs!

I have been reflecting back on the past year and came across images of dogs that we have photographed.  I love dogs and have owned a few in my lifetime.  I only have fond memories of my pets dating back to my childhood. As far back as I can remember we have owned a dog and shared many special moments with them. Growing up, I first romped thru my father's fields, on our family farm with a black cocker spaniel whose name escapes me because I was so young. Then it was a beautiful beagle named, Holly. Next came Gar, a  red doberman pincher who was smarter than I was.  A miniature schnauzer  called Beau gave me many headaches because he loved to chew up paper. I might add I am a magazine fanatic, I love to buy magazines, both home decorating and photography. My fondest memories are reserved for my favorite dog named  Elliot. He was a wire hair fox terrier. He was the dog that my children remember most. Elliott had the same spunk that my two boys had. He loved chasing a skateboard, tried to play soccer and when they all tired, he would lay next to them in peaceful bliss.  It has been a couple of years since Elliot's passing but I still walk in my home looking for his loving face and wish I could hear his paws running across the floor.  I miss you greatly Elliot and will always remember you!  So here are a few of my favorite photos of the dogs that we have been lucky enough to meet!  

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